
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sahih Bukhari's explanation of 'Who annoyed Prophet Moses' versus the Qur'an does this destroys Sahih Bukhari's credibility???


The messenger’s job was not just to deliver the Qur’an like a postman but his duty is also to explain and give commentary of the divine message. In many Quranic verses it is stated that he gives the knowledge of the Book. The knowledge and Tafsir (Exegesis) of the Book of Allah that the messenger has given is contained in the books of traditions. Thus Qur’an is the theory while the compilations of traditions are its Tafsir.


While it is correct to state that the messengers duty was not restricted to merely reciting the Qur’an to his people, as is evident by the words:

"..He will give them the knowledge of the Book .." (2:129),

it is also an incontestable fact that the books of traditions that are upheld by varous sects and attributed to the messenger, do not contain the explanation of each and every verse of the Qur’an. What exists in those compilations are some ascribed paradoxical reports limited to certain verses only.

No book of tradition Hadith or Sunnah contains the complete commentary and explanation of the Qur’an from Surah Al-Fatiha, the first chapter to Surah An-Naas, the last chapter, that it could attribute to the messenger of Allah.

This being the case, the question arises that how did the messenger confer the knowledge of the Book of Allah to his audience? And where can we find those explanations? The Qur’an provides us the adequate answer to these questions of extreme importance.

Allah informs us that His Book has been kept independent of all sorts of traditions for its exegesis, by indicating that the Qur’an is its own commentary.

The Book of Allah has its topics spread out throughout itself within various chapters. For example, if we were to ascertain as to what Allah's Book says about the topic of divorce we find verses dealing with the subject of divorce in Surah Al-Baqara which is the second Surah (chapter) of the Qur'an, Surah Al Nisa the fourth Chapter , then in Surah Al Ahzaab the thirty third chapter and further in Sura At Tal'aaq which is the sixty fifth chapter of the Qur'an.

By compiling all the verses about the topic of divorce as discussed in all the locations of the Qur'an we come to know what the Book of Allah has to say about this subject. And we observe that each verse clarifies and explains the other. It is by this manner that Allah Himself has dealt with different subjects in His Book, i.e. by repeating topics in various chapters throughout the Qur'an.

The manner of exegesis is or recurrence and repetition of subjects within the Qur’anic verses, and it is by this method that the Book of Allah deals with various topics and provides its own explanation. We are reminded:

"See how We repeat the verses that they may understand." (6:65)

"And certainly We have repeated for mankind in this Quran, every kind of similitude, but the majority of mankind do not consent to aught but denying." (17:89)

Allah Himself has circulated topics within His Book, and what is unclear at one passage is made distinct by another verse in another passage within the Qur’an itself. One verse will throw light on the other.

Furthermore we are informed that the messenger of Allah also explained the Qur’an by the Qur’an itself:

"And thus do We repeat the verses and that they may say: You have read; and that We may make it clear to a people who know." (6:108)

It is evident from the above that the messenger’s lectures on the Qur’an were based on
, i.e. recurrence of Ayat, to clarify topics within the Qur’an.

The messenger gave Dars ul Qur-an, by this manner, and the Qur’an was clarified by the Qur’an itself. This is further supported in Surah Al-Furqan, where a certain objection of the unbelievers is identified:

"The unbelievers say: "Why is not the Qur'an revealed to him all at once? Thus (is it revealed gradually) that We may strengthen thy heart thereby and We have rehearsed it to thee in slow well-arranged stages gradually. And no example do they bring to thee but We bring to thee the truth and the best explanation." (25:32-33)

The above verses inform us about a matter of grave importance.

To the objection of unbelievers as to why is not the Qur’an revealed all at once, it is stated that the Qur’an is revealed in stages due to the following reasons:

(1) So that the messengers heart may be strenghtened. This is confirmed when it is stated: "Thus (is it revealed gradually) that We may strengthen thy heart thereby and We have rehearsed it to thee in slow well-arranged stages gradually." Hence the messenger was encouraged and enjoined to be stead fast by the revelation of Qur’anic verses.

(2) So that the arguments that the unbelievers may bring forth should be answered sufficiently by ‘Haqq’, i.e. the Qur’anic truth. As it is stated: "And no example do they bring to thee but We bring to thee the truth.."

(3) The third reason for the gradual descent of the Qur’an is to provide
, i.e. the best explanation and exegesis of Allah’s Book.

"And no example do they bring to thee but We bring to thee the truth and the best ‘Tafsir’ (exegesis)" (25:33)

Thus Allah revealed verses which provided Tafsir of other verses themselves. What remained ambigous in one verse, its clarification and exegesis was provided by Allah Himself by the gradual descent of other verses of the Qur’an.

Hence Allah provided the Tafsir of the Qur’an by the Qur’an itself, and did not make His Book dependent on any compilations of traditions for its exegesis.

It is by this manner that Allah gave the Tafsir of His Book to the messenger and the messenger inturn conveyed to his audience.

The messenger did not give any separate book of Tafsir to the Ummah as the Tafsir of the Qur’an which he imparted on the Ummah was contained inside the pages of the Qur’an itself.

While it is identified that the Qur’an explains its self by repetition of verses, we are also instructed to ponder and reflect on Allah’s Book, for the message of the Qur’an will be evident to those who will strive to comprehend its meaning and conduct research on it.

It is mentioned that those who will use their faculties of understanding and engage in an inquiry into the meaning of the divine message, for them the Qur’anic verses will be rendered plain:

"Thus do We make the verses distinct for a people who reflect." (10:24)

"Indeed We have made the verses distinct for a people who will utilize their understanding." (6:98)

Along with stating the above, we are also advocated to ponder and reflect on the Book:

"A Book We have revealed to you abounding in good that they may ponder over its verses, and that those endowed with understanding may be mindful." (38:29)

Thus the injunction to reflect and ponder over the Book has been given for all generations, so that in the light of divine guidance they seek the solutions to the problems of their times.

The meaning of the Qur’an will be made clear by the repetition of verses and likewise people are asked to use their abilities of reason and intellect to understand the Qur’an.

The following verses shed further light in stating that the meaning of Allah’s Book will be evident by and it is in this manner that Qur’an should be understood:

" See how We repeat the verses that they may understand." (6:65)

"See how We repeat the verses, yet they turn away (from the truth rendered by recurrence of Ayat)." (6:46)

It is Allah, who is the ‘Mufasir’ i.e commentator of the Qur’an, and the Tafsir of one verse was provided by the revelation of other verses which would throw light on the subject under discussion.

Thus it is said:

"Ar-Rahmaan (The Beneficent God). It is He who teaches the Qur’an." (55:1-2)

Not only was the revelation, compilation and protection of the Book taken up by Allah himself, but also its explanation. As we are informed:

"Do not move your tongue with this (Qur'an) to make haste with it. Surely on Us (devolves) the collecting of it and the reciting of it. Therefore when We have recited it, follow its recitation. Again on Us (devolves) the explaining of it." (75:16-19)

Hence it is <span>Allah who provides the Tafsir of His Book by , that is, by repetition of verses</span>We will now observe the manner of Tafsir of Qur’anic subjects that is given by Allah in His Book itself and which was consequently taught by the messenger to his audience.


Here we demonstrate how the Qur’an has clarified its own concepts and thus becomes its own best Tafsir. In Surah Al-Baqara, the very beginning of the Qur’an, it is stated that Allah’s Book is guidance for ‘Mutaqeen’ (those who guard from injurious activity):

"That is The Book, there is no perplexity in it, guidance for the ‘Mutaqeen’." (2:2)

In the above verse, a question can be raised as to, who are the 'Mutaqeen'? What are their qualities?

The answer to these questions and many others like them are given in the Qur'an itself, in the advancing verses of Sura Al Baqara as well as other verses:

"And hasten to the protection given from your Sustainer against the consequences of faults; and a Garden, the extensiveness of which is (as) the heavens and the earth, it is prepared for the ‘Mutaqeen’. (They are) Those who spend in ease as well as in straitness, and those who restrain (their) anger and pardon men; and Allah loves the doers of good (to others).And those who when they commit an indecency or do injustice to their souls remember (the law of) Allah and seek protection from the consequences of their faults-- and who can give protection from the consequences of faults but Allah, and (who) do not knowingly persist in what they have done." (3:133-135)

Thus the above verses shed light on the attributes of ‘Mutaqeen’, similiarly further Tafsir of above is given in other passages of the Qur’an:

"Surely the 'Mutaqeen' will be in the midst of Garden and springs.Taking joy in the things which their Sustainer gives them,because before that they lived a good life.(further details given about them) They were in the habit of sleeping but little by night.And in the hours of early dawn they were found seeking protection from the consequences of faults. And in their wealth was the right of him who asked and also of those who were prevented (from asking)." (51:15-19)

The ‘Mutaqeen’ always keep the divine guidance before themselves while dealing in any situation pertaining to human affairs, thus they guard themselves from the injurious effects of those actions which are not consistent with the divine laws:

"Surely those who guard (al lazina attaqau), when a visitation from the Shaitan afflicts them, they remind themselves (of the divine laws), then lo! they see (the right way)." (7:201)

Apart from implementing the social laws given for human guidance in Allah’s Book, the ‘Mutaqeen’ also concentrate on harnessing the laws of nature, and guard themselves from the ill effects of being unaware of their utilization.

They are reminded about this aspect in the following Surah:

"He it is Who made the sun a shining brightness and the moon a light, and ordained for it mansions that you might know the computation of years and the reckoning. Allah did not create it but with truth; He makes the signs manifest for a people who have knowledge. Most surely in the variation of the night and the day, and what Allah has created in the heavens and the earth, there are signs for a people who guard ." (10:5-6)

From above we observe how the Qur’an itself gives the explanation of its Ayat and how its passages shed light on other passages.

Further example of the Tafsir of Qur’an by the Qur’an itself is demonstrated by considering the following verse:

"O you who believe! Be not like those who annoyed Moses, but Allah cleared him of what they said, and he was worthy of regard with Allah." (33:69)

In the above verse, some people are mentioned who used to annoy Moses, the messenger of Allah in a certain way. Now who are these people and in what manner did they harass a messenger of God?

The Qur’an itself provides the detailed description of this category of people and their means of harassment.


Now which 'EXPLANATION' is the true explanation the Qur'an or Sahih Bukhari because both are said to be explained by the Messenger of Allah.

Although his people should have been grateful to Moses for bringing them out of the bondage of Pharoah, but instead of expressing their gratitude they used to say:

"They said: ‘We have had (nothing but) trouble both before and after thou came to us."(7:129)

They were given heavenly sustenence in the form of but they rebelled even at that and said to Moses:
"O Moses! we cannot endure one kind of food (always).." (2:61)

While passing through a habitation they observed some people being dedicated to the service of idols, and seeing this they asked Moses, a messenger of God who had always taught them not to bow down before anyone except Allah, that:

".. O Moses! Make for us a god as they have (their) gods He said: Surely you are a people acting ignorantly." (7:138)

When Moses went for communion with Allah for a few days, they started worshiping the calf. (see 20:86).

When they were told to maintain a certain type of behaviour while entering a city, they deliberately acted insolently (see 2:58-59).

When Moses directed them to have belief in Allah, they told him:"O Moses! We will not believe in you until we see Allah manifestly.." (2:55)

When God instructed them through the agency of Moses to slaughter a calf in order to purify them from the false sanctity they had developed due to the worship of idols, they gave numerous excuses, the details of which are given in (2:67-71). Moses asked them to enter the Holy land which was written for them, but instead they again started making excuses and replied:

"..go therefore you and your Sustainer, then fight you both surely we will here sit down." (5:24)

This was the attitude and insolent behaviour that the people of Moses demonstrated in front of their messenger, and it was because such annoying behaviour that Moses was compelled to say:

"And when Moses said to his people: O my people! why do you annoy me? And you know indeed that I am Allah's messenger to you.."(61:5)

And he thus implored God:

"He said: My Sustainer! Surely I have no control (upon any) but my own self and my brother; therefore make a separation between us and the nation of transgressors."(5:25)

Hence it is by bringing forth the above mentioned narratives of the Children of Israel, the Believers in the Qur’anic message were instructed:

"..Be not like those who annoyed Moses.." (33:69)

The reader can see how clearly and without any vagueness the Qur’an has listed the annoyance that the people of Moses had imparted to their messenger, and the manner in which the meaning of verse 33:69 is clarified in the Qur’an itself. But against this the books of traditions attribute the following narration to the person of the messenger, to demonstrate his explanation of the divine Book. While considering the Tradition given below, it should be kept in mind that the messenger was to give the Tafsir of the Qur’an by repetition of verses, and explained the Qur’an by the Qur’an itself, as stated in 6:104.


Sahih Bukhari is a collection of 'sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad,  also known as the sunnah. The reports of the Prophet's sayings and deeds are called ahadith. Bukhari lived a couple of centuries after the Prophet's death and worked extremely hard to collect his ahadith. Each report in his collection was checked for compatibility with the Qur'an, and the veracity of the chain of reporters had to be painstakingly established. Bukhari's collection is recognized by the overwhelming majority of the Muslim world to be one of the most authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH).

---------------> This is your 'Authentic Report'<---------------------

It is stated in Sahih Al-Bukhari:

"It has been narrated to me by Ishaq bin Ibraheem, as Ruh bin Ubadah told us, from Auf who was informed by Al Hasan, Muhammad and Khilas, that he narrated from Abu Hurraira who said that, Allah's Apostle said, "(The Prophet) Moses was a shy person and used to cover his body completely because of his extensive shyness. One of the children of Israel hurt him by saying, 'He covers his body in this way only because of some defect in his skin, either leprosy or scrotal hernia, or he has some other defect.' Allah wished to clear Moses of what they said about him, so one day while Moses was in seclusion, he took off his clothes and put them on a stone and started taking a bath. When he had finished the bath, he moved towards his clothes so as to take them, but the stone took his clothes and fled; Moses picked up his stick and ran after the stone saying, 'O stone! Give me my garment!' Till he reached a group of Bani Israel who saw him naked then, and found him the best of what Allah had created, and Allah cleared him of what they had accused him of. The stone stopped there and Moses took and put his garment on and started hitting the stone with his stick. By Allah, the stone still has some traces of the hitting, three, four or five marks.

---------> This was what Allah refers to in His Saying: <----------------

"O you who believe! Be you not like those Who annoyed Moses, But Allah proved his innocence of that which they alleged, And he was honorable In Allah's Sight."33/69- (Sahih Bukhari Volume 4 Hadith 616)

Now if you read Hadith especially Sahih Bukhari it's the most second authentic Book next to the Qur'an according to the Majority of Muslims who follow the Sunnah. Can this narration in the collection of Sahih Bukhari who is deemed to be 'Authentic' be from our Messenger of Allah? If you have doubt then you have to re-evaluate your whole understanding on what you have been told about what is Islam. You can't believe that Sahih Bukhari's volumes that are said to be Sahih (Authentic) yet you disbelieve in one of his narrations. This takes away the whole credibility of the Sahih Bukhari's Hadith because again this is the most second authentic book according to the Hadithist next to the Qur'an. 

noun \ˌkre-də-ˈbi-lə-tē\

Definition of CREDIBILITY

1: the quality or power of inspiring belief <an account lacking in credibility
2: capacity for belief 

  1. The new evidence lends credibility to their theory.
  2. The scandal undermined her credibility as an honest politician.
  3. In this instance, the lawyer's job is to make the jury doubt the witness'scredibility.

It's very important that we as Muslims carefully examine the above narration in Sahih Bukhari about the explanation given about who annoyed Prophet Moses because this presents a mighty messenger of Allah is humilated in front of his people along with being exposed naked and then compare it to the Qur’anic repetitions pertaining to the subject of who annoyed the Prophet Moses. If the Qur'an didn't mention what Sahih Bukhari said and yet Sahih Bukhari's explanation is attributed to the same Messenger of Allah is this not blasphemy and insulting to both of our Messengers of Allah, Moses and Muhammad?

The guile of the people who forged this tradition should also be observed, as to how they absolved themselves from this fictitious tale, by cleverly attributing it to the person of the messenger of Allah by  taking advantage of the immense love and respect that the Muslims have for him in their hearts in order to insert their forgeries within the house of Islam.

While the Qur’an has informed us that the messenger imparted knowledge of Allah’s Book by giving its explanation as occured within the passages of the Book itself, can we consider the story given in the above tradition to earnestly come from the Messenger of Allah and if it didn't come from the Prophet Muhammad where did it come from???????????

To any person who sincerely seeks to ascertain the meaning of the Qur’an it will be apparent that passages of the Qur’an explain and comment each other, and are not dependent on any outisde source for their exegesis like Ibn Kathir or Hadith outside of the Qur'an. Although many Modern day translators of the Qur’an are also marred by traditional preconceptions in their work, <span>but they have also realized this fact, and have acknowledged that the Qur’an is its own ‘Tafsir’.</span>

Renowed Islamic Scholar, Allama Abdullah Yusuf Ali, has the following to say as concluding remarks in the preface to Qur’anic commentaries, given in his world famous translation and commentary of the Qur’an:

"It has been said that the Qur’an is its own best commentary . As we proceed with the study of the Book, we find how true this is. A careful comparison and collation of passages from the Qur’an removes many difficulties. Use a good concordance, such as the one I have named among the Works of reference, and you will find that one passage throws light on another." The Holy Qur’an- Translation and commentary by A. Yusuf Ali, pp xi

Another renown Translator of the Qur’an, Muhammad Asad also acknowledges that the Qur’an provides its own Tafsir, when he states the following in the foreword of His Translation:

"The Qur’an must not be viewed as a compilation of individual injunctions and exhortations but as one integral whole: that is, as an exposition of an ethical doctrine in which every verse and sentence has an intimate bearing on other verses and sentences, all of them clarifying and amplifying one another. Consequently, its real meaning can be grasped only if we correlate every one of its statements with what has been stated elsewhere in its passages, and try to explain its ideas by means of frequent cross references, always subordinating the particular to the general and the incidental to the intrinsic. Whenever this rule is faithfully followed, we realize that the Qur’an is - in the words of Muhammed Abduh- "its own best commentary". The Message of THE QUR-AN by Muhammad Asad, pp vii

"Let them then produce a "hadith" like this (Quran), if indeed they speak the truth". (Sura 52:34).

The Almighty God Who created all things has given us the Quran for our guidance. Nothing else. The word "hadith" is mentioned by God Almighty twenty eight times in His Quran. "Hadith" simply means a tiding, discourse or story.

However it is a necessary condition for the other 

"hadith" writers like Bukhari and Abu Muslim (for the Sunnis) and Jaafar Al Tusi (for the Shias)

and also others, to insist that the alleged sayings of the Prophet or the alleged"hadith" or "khabar" of the Prophet are a second source of guidance other than the Quran.

The Islamic "scholars" also say that without the alleged other "hadith" or "khabar" of the Prophet, the meaning of the Quran cannot be understood. Surprisingly, most people who like to think of themselves as Muslims seem to believe this as true.
God says in His Quran:

 "Easy have we made the Quran to understand; is there anyone who will pay heed?"
This verse is repeated exactly, word for word, four times in the Quran (Sura 54:17,22,32 and 40).

Why does God want to repeat Himself exactly, word for word, four times? Perhaps God wants to TESTlFY four times that the Quran is indeed easy to understand.

Perhaps God wants to repeat this message because He knows that there will be boneheads "scholars" who will want to insist otherwise. Let us now see how God Almighty uses the word "hadith" in his Quran. "

God has sent down the very best "hadith" in the form of a Book, consistent with itself, which makes all those who fear their Lord shudder. So their hearts and bodies become receptive to the remembrance of God. THIS IS TNE GUIDANCE OF God with which He guides whosoever He will, but whosoever God leaves to stray, HAS NONE TO SHOW HIM THE WAY': (Sura 39:23).

See Arabic text for reference.

Here God says clearly that the Quran is the very best "hadith". Being the very best "hadith", the Quran therefore becomes THE GUIDANCE OF God. This immediately means that all other "hadith" are riot at all among the best hadith. 

All other hadith simply cannot "SHOW HIM THE WAY".

God continues to tell us about "hadith".

He says,   

"God, there is no other god, hut He. He will gather you together on the Day of Resurrection which is certain to come; AND WHOSE "HADITH" IS TRUER THAN GOD'S?": (Sura 4:87).

Having said that the Quran is indeed the "very best hadith" (39:23) God now asks whose "hadith" can' be truer than His? Who is foolish enough to answer God for this question? Bukhari, Abu Muslim, a Tirmizi, a Jaafar Al Tusi?

God also says,

"Have they not contemplated the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and everything created by God, that perhaps their own term is drawing to a close?IN WHICH "HADITH" AFTER THIS WILL THEY THEN BELIEVE?": (Sura 7:185). "THESE ARE THE REVELATIONS OF God WHICH WE RECITE TO YOU CORRECTLY. IN WHAT OTHER "HADITH" THAN God AND HIS REVELATIONS WOULD THEY THEN BELIEVE?" (Sura 45:6).

"In what other "hadith" after this will they then believe?" (Sura 77:50).

Again, who is willing to be fool enough to step forward to answer God His question?

 Is it going to be a Bukhari, and Abu Muslim or a Tirmizi? But why would these people write their "hadith" and then claim that it is true, "sahih", "hassan" etc. God always provides an answer. God says in His Quran,

"But there are among men those who sell idle "hadith" to mislead people from the Path of God and to ridicule. For such men there will be a humiliating penalty". (Sura 31:6).

These are people who have never been authorized by God to write any "hadith" other than the "best hadith" which is the Quran. Since they have chosen to do something never sanctioned by God, their actions can only mislead people. For them God promises:

"On that day, those who reject faith and disobey the Messenger will wish that the earth were made level with them. But never will they hide a single "hadith" from God": (Sura 4:42).

1. Bukhari
2. Tirmidhi
3. Muslim
4. Ibn Majah
5. Anas
6. An Nasa’i
7. A. Darimi
8. Al Kulini Just to name a few.

The Sunni Muslims have CHALLENGED The Sovereign of all the Boundless Universes (aalamin) and produced their hadith. Allah knew the enemies of Islaam was going to produce books and call them hadiyth and attribute them to Rasuwl Allah (Prophet Muhammad) and this is why Allah specifically used the word “hadith” in the verses below where He (The Creator, Allah) has condemned them by name [hadith]. Allah has specifically used the word “hadith” to condemn those books (BEFORE) they were created/fabricated by the hands of the enemy.

several Arabic words that means:

1) Aqwal means sayings
2) Akhbar means narrations
3) Hikam means Aphorisms

Just to name a few, that Allah could have used but instead He (Allah) specifically used this Arabic word “HADITH” to condemn hadith by the very same name the enemies of Islaam used to call the books written & compiled by Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Muslim, Ibn Majah, Anas, An Nasa’I, A. Darimi, Al Kulini around 250 years after the death of Prophet Muhammad. Allah knew this would happen, He is The All Seeing, The All Knowing, and so Allah has condemned these hadiths by name before the enemy of Islaam fabricating them. This is fulfillment of prophecy right in the Holy Qur’aan, Alhamdulillah. 

"But never will they hide a single "hadith" from God"! Which "hadith" is God referring to here?

It cannot be the Quran, because it is God Who has sent the Quran as the "best hadith". Can it then be Bukhari's "sahih", Abu Dawud's "sunan" or Jaafar Al Tusi's "khabar"etc? Think carefully!

"Then leave Me alone with those who reject this "hadith". By degrees shall We punish them, from directions they perceive not!" (Sura 68:44).

According to our Almighty God, the people who have written their own hadith will have much to answer. When they write their own unauthorized "hadith" they will be punished from directions which they will never perceive.

In the Quran, God has asked the disbelievers,

"Let them then produce a "hadith" like this (Quran), if indeed they speak the truth". (Sura 52:34).

Ironically it is not the disbelievers but rather Imam Bukhari and friends who have tried a hand at answering this "challenge" from God. 

They have created the concept of "hadith Qudsi". According to the likes of Imam Bukhari and friends the "hadith Qudsi" are "actually" the unrevealed verses of the Quran!! Hence they have bravely risen to answer God's challenge in Sura 52:34 above. </span>


A large portion of Bukhari "hadith" is derived from the `Father of Cats" or Abu Huraira. Despite the fact that Sunni scholars cannot provide any evidence for the existence of Abu Huraira (no one even knows the real name of the "Father of Cats"), the largest portion of Sunni theology is derived from "hadith" narrated by "Abu Hurairah the Unknown".

Among the hadith narrated by "Abu Hurairah the Unknown" we can find fables about what the Prophet did in the bathroom, in his bedroom etc. According to "Abu Hurairah the Unknown" he stuck very close to the Prophet and thus was able to observe the Prophet at close quarters.

But God told the Prophet to tell his "companions" not to annoy the Messenger of God in his home, "

Oh you who believe, do not enter the houses of the Prophet until permission is given to you for a meal, not too early as to wait for its preparation, but when you are invited enter. And when you have taken your meal, disperse, WITHOUT WAITING AROUND FOR ANY "HADITH". Such behavior annoys the Prophet. He is ashamed to dismiss you, hut God is not ashamed to tell you the Truth". (Sura 33:53).

So if the believers were told not to enter the Prophet's house too freely and not even to hang around waiting for any "hadith", how then could "Abu Hurairah the Unknown" know about the Prophet's domestic habits?

Since "Abu Hurairah the Unknown" and many of his followers of today will insist that the "Father of Cats" did have free access to the Prophet's company, it simply means that "Abu Hurairah the Unknown", if he existed at all, did not accept the admonition in Sura 33:53 above. By doing so he chose to answer the following challenge by God,  

"Do you take this "hadith" (Quran) in vain?" (Sura 56:81).

It is clear that God will never accept any "hadith" other than the Quran, which is the "best hadith". 

The "hadith" narrated by the likes of the "Father of Cats" and written by the likes of lmam Bukhari, Jaafar Al Tusi etc will never be recognized by God. For the likes of lmam Bukhari and "Abu Hurairah the Unknown".

God says in His Quran,

"Do you then wonder at this "hadith"? And will you laugh and not weep, wasting your time in vanities. You shall fall down in prostration to God and adore him." - Sura 53: 59-62.      

This is an open invitation for us to reflect before the inevitable appointed time comes to pass. Indeed, God Almighty has made faith in the Qur’an alone equal to believing in Him alone. Just as one should not believe except in the hadith of the Qur’an alone, then, so too, one should not believe except in Godalone. And just as the believer suffices in God alone, then, so too, is the hadith of theQur’an sufficient as hadith.

God has challenged the polytheists to produce a single chapter like the Qur’an,

“If you have any doubt regarding what we revealed to our servant, then produce one sura like these… (2:23),”


“If they say, “He fabricated it,” say, “Then produce one sura like these…” (10:38).” 

This evidence shows that what God Almighty revealed to the honourable messenger consists of chapters (suwar), and there are no chapters except in the Qur’an. So, the Qur’an is the only written revelation which came down to the messenger.

The Qur’an is the only hadith in which we must believe.

The 28 verses in Quran with the "Hadith" are:  

[4:42, 4:78, 4:87, 4:140, 6:68, 7:185, 12:6, 12:21, 12:101, 12:111, 18:6, 20:9, 23:44, 31:6, 33:53, 34:19, 39:23, 45:6, 51:24, 52:34, 53:59, 56:81, 66:3, 68:44, 77:50, 79:15, 85:17, 88:1]  

 Beneath is the Hadith that claims that the Prophet was given the Qur'an and it's 'Equal' or 'Something like it' along with a Scholar name Ibn Baz explaining that the Sunnah is the Second Revelation next to the Qur'an that explains the Qur'an in detail according to the Sunnis.

In this Hadith, Muhammad, Allah’s Prophet, explained Ayat 75:16-29, by saying, …

"I was given the Quran and its equal with it (i.e., the Sunnah)" (A Sahih Hadith; Al-Hadithu ‘Hujjatun bi-Nafsihi [21]).

29. [Albani, Muhammad Nasir ad-Deen. Al-Hadithu ‘Hujjatun bi-Nafsihi fi-l-A‘hkami wa-l-‘Aqa-id (The Hadith is Proof Itself in Matters of Law and Creed) (Pg. 26-27)…] (Introduction to: Muhammad The Prophet of Mercy – Muhammad’s Role in Islam, by Jalal Abualrub, edited by Alaa Mencke [Madinah Publishers and Distributors, First Edition: June 2007], p. 34)

Narrated Al-Miqdam ibn Ma'dikarib:

The Prophet said:

"Beware! I have been given the Qur'an and something like it,"

yet the time is coming when a man replete on his couch will say: Keep to the Qur'an; what you find in it to be permissible treat as permissible, and what you find in it to be prohibited treat as prohibited. Beware! The domestic ass, beasts of prey with fangs, a find belonging to confederate, unless its owner does not want it, are not permissible to you If anyone comes to some people, they must entertain him, but if they do not, he has a right to mulct them to an amount equivalent to his entertainment. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 40, Number 4587)

Question # 128162:

What is the meaning of the words of the Prophet  (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him):

"I have been given the Qur'aan and  something like it along with it"? 


What is the meaning of the words of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah  be upon him): "I have been given the Qur'aan and something like it along with  it"?.


Praise be to Allaah.  This hadith is one of the sound hadiths that are proven to be from the  Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). What is meant by  the words

"and something like it along with it"

is that Allah has given him  another revelation, which is <span>the Sunnah which explains the Qur'aan and  clarifies its meanings, as Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says  (interpretation of the meaning):

"And We have also sent down unto you (O Muhammad) the Dhikr  [reminder and the advice (i.e. the Qur'aan)], that you may explain clearly to  men what is sent down to them, and that they may give thought" [al-Nahl 16:44] 

So Allah revealed the Qur'aan to him and also the Sunnah, which is the hadith  which are proven to be from him (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him),  which have to do with prayer, zakaah, fasting, Hajj and other religious and  worldly matters. 

The Sunnah is a second revelation which Allah revealed to him to complete the message, and he (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) expressed that in the hadiths which he explained to the ummah in word and in deed and by means of his approval, such as his saying:

"Deeds are but by intentions, and each man will have but that which he intended";


"The prayer of one of you will not be accepted if he breaks wind until he does wudoo'"

; and

"No prayer is accepted without purification, and no charity is excepted from wealth acquired by treacherous means"

; and

"The five daily prayers, one Ramadan to another, and one Jumu'ah to another, are expiation for the sins that come in between them, so long as you do not commit major sins."

And there are many other sahih hadiths which speak of everything that a person needs to know and which have to do with explanation of the Book of Allah. This revelation is a revelation that Allah revealed to him, of which the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) spoke and explained to the ummah. The meanings are revelation from Allah, and the words are from the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon  him), like the words quoted above:

"Actions are but by intention..."
and like  his words:

"The two parties to a transaction have the option (of cancelling it)  so long as they have not yet parted..." 

The second revelation which was given to the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) also includes the sacred hadith (hadith qudsi) which the Messenger transmitted from his Lord, may He be glorified and exalted. They are revelation from Allah and are His words, but they do not come under the same ruling as the Qur'aan, such as what the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said, narrating it from his Lord:

"O My slaves, I have forbidden injustice to Myself, and I have made it forbidden among you, so do not wrong
one another. O My slaves, all of you are misguided except those whom I guide, so ask Me for guidance, I will guide you..."

this is a lengthy hadith, which was narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh from Abu Dharr al-Ghifaari (may Allah be pleased with him). All of that is included in the words of Allah (interpretation of the meaning):

"By the star when it goes down (or vanishes).Your companion (Muhammad) has neither gone astray nor has erred.
Nor does he speak of (his own) desire. It is only a Revelation revealed" [al-Najm 53:1-4]
>>Majmoo' Fataawa Ibn Baaz (25/58-61).<<

The Sunnites (Sunnis) accept these Ahadith set as authentic:

1. Bukhari
2. Tirmidhi
3. Muslim
4. Ibn Majah
5. Anas
6. An Nasa’i
7. A. Darimi
8. Al Kulini Just to name a few.

Shi’ite accept these Ahadith set as authentic:

1. Kafi of Abu Ja'fa Muhammad
2. Man la Yastuhdirahul Fiqah of Shaikh Ali
3. Tahdhib of Shaikh abu Jafar Muhammad
4. Najhu’l Balaghah of Sayyid Radi

They say Muslims don't reject Hadith yet these two Sects Sunni/Shite all claim to have the authentic Ahadith yet they both reject each other's claim of authenticity not to include the very fact that the Sunni/Shites Muslims have CHALLENGED The Sovereign of all the Boundless Universes (aalamin) and produced their Ahadith.

Allah knew the enemies of Islaam was going to produce books and call themhadith and attribute them to Rasuwl Allah (Prophet Muhammad) and this is why Allah specifically used the word “hadith” in the verses below where He (The Creator, Allah) has condemned them by name [hadith]. Allah has specifically used the word “hadith” to condemn those books (BEFORE) they were created/fabricated by the hands of the enemy.

God Almighty has described the Quran as hadith, and He challenged the polytheists to bring a hadith like it, The Almighty says

“Do they say, “He made it all up?” Instead, they are simply disbelievers. Let them produce a Hadith like this, if they are truthful. (52:33-34)”. 

He described the Qur’an as the best hadith

“God has revealed herein the best Hadith; a book that is consistent, and points out both ways (to Heaven and Hell). The skins of those who reverence their Lord cringe there from, then their skins and their hearts soften up for God’s message. Such is God’s guidance; He bestows it upon whoever wills (to be guided)… (39:23)”. 

So, if God Almighty has honoured us with the best hadith, then why should we take other hadith in its place?

Our Lord has made it clear that all truth is [found] in the hadith of God, i.e. the Qur’an,

“…Whose hadith is more truthful than God’s? (4:87).” 

God Almighty has threatened those who lie about His hadith in the Qur’an,

“Therefore, let Me deal with those who reject this Hadith; we will lead them on whence they never perceive. (68:44)”.

 Our Lord has confirmed that faith is not to be placed in anything other than Hishadith, i.e. the Qur’an, He says at the end of chapter 77,

“Which Hadith, other than this, do they uphold? (77:50).” 

The same meaning was repeated when He said

“Have they not looked at the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all the things God has created? Does it ever occur to them that the end of their life may be near? Which Hadith, beside this, do they believe in? (7:185).”
The Almighty says about His Self,

“…There is nothing that equals Him. He is the Hearer, the Seer. (42:11).” 

And He says about His Book

“Say, “If all the humans and all the jinns banded together in order to produce a Qur’an like this, they could never produce anything like it…” (17:88)”

therefore, there is no equal to the Qur’an, just as there is no equal to God!

God is one in His Self and in His attributes, and there is no one like Him from among His creations,

“Proclaim, “He is the One and only God. The Absolute God. Never did He beget.  Nor was He begotten. None equals Him.” (112:1-4).” 

It isn’t within the capability of any creation to create one chapter like a Qur’anic chapter,

“…then produce one sura like these… (2:23),”

“…then produce one sura like these… (10:38).”

There is no equal to the Qur’an, and there is no chapter which is equal to any chapter of the Qur’an. In spite of this, they claim that God revealed to the prophet the Qur’an ‘and its equal alongside it’, so where is this ‘equal’ thing if God Almighty has denied its existence?

Most of those who think they believe in God are actually idolaters: 

Allah says,

"So many proofs in the heavens and the earth are given to them, but they pass by them, heedlessly! The majority of those who believe in GOD do not do so without committing idol worship." (12:106)

Some of those who think they are guided/believers are not:

Allah says,

"Some He guided, while others are committed to straying. They have taken the devils as their masters, instead of GOD, yet they believe that they are guided. (7:30) On the day when we summon them all, we will ask the idol worshipers, "Where are the idols you set up?" Their disastrous response will be, "By GOD our Lord, we never were idol worshipers." Note how they lied to themselves, and how the idols they had invented have abandoned them. (6:22-24)

Thus it is a FACT that there are people who think they are guided but they are not, and it is a FACT that there are people who do not think they are idolaters but they are.

Allah went out of his way and mentioned the Prophets by name in the Holy Qur’aan and Allah also have mentioned previous scriptures by name in the Holy Qur’aan, note that Allah NEVER EVER mentioned any of the hadith writers(Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidi, just to name a few) by name in the Holy Qur’aan and Allah never mentioned any of their so called ahadith by name either because they are insignificant in Allah’s eyes.

Allah has revealed a Book (Al Qur’aan) which consist of 114 Chapters and over 6000 verses and Allah also said that His Book (Qur’aan) is complete, perfect, fully detailed, and that it explains all things (Qur’aan 6:114-115; 16:89; 6:38; 12:111) and Allah did not even waste His breath, Nuwr (light) to mentionBukhari, Muslim, Tirmidi, etc. nor their so-called books. It never was Allah who legislated, sanctioned Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidi hadith and their hadith books in Islaam, it was men after the death of Muhammad and that right there is a big difference.

Qur’aan 42:21

أَمْ لَهُمْ شُرَكَاء شَرَعُوا لَهُم مِّنَ الدِّينِ مَا لَمْ يَأْذَن بِهِ اللَّهُ وَلَوْلَا كَلِمَةُ الْفَصْلِ لَقُضِيَ بَيْنَهُمْ وَإِنَّ الظَّالِمِينَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ

Allah says,

"They follow idols who decree for them religious laws never authorized by Allah. If it were not for the predetermined decision, they would have been judged immediately. Indeed, the transgressors have incurred a painful retribution."
Muslims we need to question what we have been taught and it should be the goal of All Muslims to seek and practice True or Pure Islaam.

These Muslims who loves Hadith/Sunnah love to quote Hadith after Hadith after Hadith, and not the Qur’aan which reminded me of Prophet Muhammad who said that his people (Muslims) DESERTED/ABANDONED the Qur’aan:

Qur’aan 25:30

وَقَالَ الرَّسُولُ يَا رَبِّ إِنَّ قَوْمِي اتَّخَذُوا هَذَا الْقُرْآنَ مَهْجُورًا

The Messenger said, “My Lord, my people have deserted this Qur’aan.

Who are his people, this is prophecy right in the Qur'aan being fulfilled.

“By God, we have sent (messengers) to communities before you, but the devil adorned their works in their eyes. Consequently, he is now their lord, and they have incurred a painful retribution. We have revealed this scripture to you, to point out for them what they dispute… (16:63-64)”.