
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Allah's Rahmah

                                                      In the Name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Most Merciful      

The root of the word Rahmah or Rahmat is R-H-M. RAHIM or RIHM, means the womb i.e. the receptacle of the young in the belly where it is provided with the means of subsistence with tenderness and security, without  doing any endeavour.

RAHMAH or RAHMAT has the following meanings: Mercy = Pity = Compassion = Tenderness = Beneficence = Pardon = Forgiveness = Favour = Sustenance = Means of subsistence =Plenty of herbage, or of goods, conveniences, or comforts of life, etc.

From the study of the Quran, one can distinguish two different types of RAHMAT: Gratuitous and Earned.

Gratuitous RAHMAT is the one that Allah has bestowed and bestows upon human beings without regard to their endeavours and deeds. The creation of the sun, the moon, the water, the air, and the earth and the sources of sustenance in it are examples of this kind of RAHMAT. The verses of the Quran which refer to this type of RAHMAT include:  28:73,  30:50.

Earned RAHMAT is the one that Allah bestows upon human beings with regard to their endeavours and deeds. A paradisiacal life in this world and the after-world is an example of Earned RAHMAT, i.e. which is earned through effort and righteous deeds. The verses of Quran which refer to this type of RAHMAT include: 7:156, 9:99, 12:56, 21:75, 21:86, 29:23, 45:30, 57:28.

AR-RAHMAAN and AR-RAHEEM are two different attributes of Allah and are not the repetition of the same attribute for the sake of emphasis.

Differences between Rahmaan and Raheem

According to the measure

RAHMAAN- It is in the measure of fa'laan. It conveys the idea of fullness, extensiveness, and spontaneity and indicates the great preponderance of RAHMAT.

RAHEEM- It is in the measure of fa'eel. It conveys the idea of constant repetition or  time and time again manifestation of RAHMAT, (as if according to the constant criteria).

According to the type of RAHMAT

RAHMAT associated with RAHMAAN comprehends the entire universe without regard to our efforts. The creation of the sun, the moon, the water, and the air etc. all are there because of this attribute. The attribute RAHMAAN generally pertains to this life, the creation of universe, sources of sustenance and so on.

RAHMAT associated with RAHEEM constitutes the liberal reward to those who seek it, strive for it and deserve it. It is the result of the actions of human beings. The attribute RAHEEM generally pertains to the life to come, comprising RAHMAT as a result of our good deeds.

According to the usage in the Qur'an

In many verses of the Quran, the attribute Ar-RAHMAAN seems to be inseparable from the concept of Allah, the Almighty  [e.g. in 17:110, 13:30, 43:33, 19:18, 19:45, 36:11, 50:33, 20:5, 25:59, 20:108, 20:109, 78:38, 25:60, 19:58, 19:44, 19:61, 19:69]<

The attribute Ar-RAHEEM seems to be separable from the concept of Almighty and often indicates an aspect of activity of Allah, the Almighty.

According to the context of the verses, the attributes  Ar-Rahmaan and Ar-Raheem can be rendered in different ways in the light of what has been given above.

Ar-Rahmaan in the Quran appears in the following verses: [1:1, 1:3, 2:163, 13:30, 17:110, 19:18, 19:26, 19:44, 19:45, 19:58, 19:61, 19:69, 19:75, 19:78, 19:85, 19:87, 19:88, 19:91, 19:92, 19:93, 19:96, 20:5, 20:90, 20:108, 20:109, 21:26, 21:36, 21:42, 21:112, 25:26, 25:59, 25:60, 25:60, 25:63, 26:5,  27:30, 36:11, 36:15, 36:23, 36:52,  41:2, 43:17, 43:19, 43:20, 43:33, 43:36, 43:45, 43:81, 50:33, 55:1, 59:22, 67:3, 67:19, 67:20, 67:29, 78:37, 78:38] [total ~57 times]

Ar-Raheem in the Quran appears in the following verses: [1:1, 1:3, 2:37, 2:54, 2:128, 2:143, 2:160, 2:163, 2:173, 2:182, 2:192, 2:199, 2:218, 2:226, 3:31, 3:89, 3:129, 4:16, 4:23, 4:25, 4:29, 4:64, 4:96, 4:100, 4:106, 4:110, 4:129, 4:152, 5:3, 5:34, 5:39, 5:74, 5:98, 6:54, 6:145, 6:165, 7:153, 7:167, 8:69, 8:70, 9:5, 9:27, 9:91, 9:99, 9:102, 9:104, 9:117, 9:118, 9:128, 10:107, 11:41, 11:90, 12:53, 12:98, 14:36, 15:49, 16:7, 16:18, 16:47, 16:110, 16:115, 16:119, 17:66, 22:65, 24:5, 24:20, 24:22, 24:33, 24:62, 25:6, 25:70, 26:9, 26:68, 26:104, 26:122, 26:140, 26:159, 26:175, 26:191, 26:217, 27:11, 27:30, 28:16, 30:5, 32:6, 33:5, 33:24, 33:43, 33:50, 33:59, 33:73, 34:2, 36:5, 36:58, 39:53, 41:2, 41:32, 42:5, 44:42, 46:8, 48:14, 49:5, 49:12, 49:14, 52:28, 57:9, 57:28, 58:12, 59:10, 59:22, 60:7, 60:12, 64:14, 66:1, 73:20] {total ~ 115 times}

Others Attributes of Allah having the root R-H-M are:

Zu-al-Rahmah (i.e. the Lord of beneficence) [6:133,  6:147, 18:58]

Arham-Ar-Rahimeen [7:151, 12:64, 12:92, 21:83]

Khair-ur-Rahimeen [23:109, 23:118]

People on Whom Allah bestows His (Special) Rahmat [i.e. paradisiacal life in this world and the Hereafter]

There are several verses of the Quran [e.g 2:105, 3:74, 12:56, 17:54, 29:21, 42:8, 48:25, 76:31] which are usually interpreted as "Allah grants Rahmat Whom He Wills". These verses can also be interpreted as, "Allah grants Rahmat Whoever wills to have it". Either interpretation begs a question.

If "Allah grants Rahmat Whom He Wills", then question is whether Allah selects people randomly or (dare I say) blindly to grant Rahmat or Does He have any criteria for this i.e. Does Allah's Will follow any criteria defined, of course, by Allah Himself or not?. OR if "Allah grants Rahmat Whoever wills to have it", then question is whether JUST WILLING to have Rahmat is enough or one has to fulfil some criteria? Indeed the study of the Quran makes very clear that there are certain criteria according to which Allah grants his (special) Rahmat.

There is no doubt that Allah is the Lord of All-encompassing beneficence and He has treasures of Rahmat [38:9]; but His punishment cannot be averted from Mujrimeen [6:147] or Zalimeen i.e. those who do not put things in their due place; who act unjustly, injuriously, tyrannically, or harmfully [42:8, 76:31].

There is no doubt that Allah has ordained Rahmat on Himself [6:12] and His Rahmat encompasses all things (40:7) but He will ordain it for those who guard themselves against the inevitable harmful consequences of violating His Commands by carefully abiding by His Guidance; who establish the system of Zakaat and have convictions in His Communications [7:156]

Allah says to His Servants who have acted extravagantly against their own souls,  not to despair of His Rahmah [39:53] but along with it He also tells us the criteria according to which His Rahmah can be attained. 

In the following, some of the characteristics of people on whom He bestows His (special) Rahmah are given:

Those who do not hasten to do evil and seek Allah's Magfarat [27:46]

Those who show patience, endurance, equanimity and adherence to the Laws of Allah in harm, injury, mischief damage, poverty, bodily affliction, distress, lack of means of subsistence, misfortune, calamity, fear, hunger, a state of pressing want, loss of money, loss of life or loss of fruits of their toil; those who steadily adhere to the statutes of Quran; those who maintain constancy with Allah; those who say, "We are for Allah, dedicated to His Cause and every step of ours will advance in the Direction shown by Him." [2:155-157]

Those who emigrate in the cause of Allah and exert their utmost power, efforts, endeavours and abilities, in obedience of Allah, in contending with tyranny, injustice, wrongdoings, transgression, and devil, with their lives (61:11, 49:15, 9:88, 9:81, 9:44, 9:41, 9:20, 8:72, 4:95), their wealth (61:11, 49:15, 9:88, 9:81, 9:44, 9:41, 9:20, 8:72, 4:95) and the Quran (25:52) [2:218, 4:95-96, 9:20-21]

Those whose faces will lit up on the day of judgement because they did not divided into sects nor they differed among themselves [3:105-107]

 Those who obey Allah and/i.e. His Messenger [3:132]

Those who are slain or die in the cause of Allah [3:157]

Those who believe in Allah and hold fast to Him (i.e. His Commands) [4:175]

Those who have conviction in the Message of Allah (and abide by it); those who commit a bad deed (only) out of ignorance, and then repent and make amends  [6:54]

Those who follow the Book that He has revealed and guard themselves against the inevitable harmful consequences of violating His Commands by carefully abiding by His Guidance [6:155, 7:63, 36:45, 49:10, 57:28]

Those who have conviction in His Book [7:52, 7:72, 7:203, 10:57, 12:111, 16:64, 17:82, 27:77, 29:51, 45:20]

Those who submit to (the Commands contained in) His Book [16:89]

Those who, When the Qur’an is read, listen to it with full attention, and listen to it silently [7:204]

Those who are Mohsineen [7:56, 12:56, 31:3]

Those who enjoin the doing of what is Right (according to the Quran) and forbid the doing of what is Wrong (according to the Quran) ; who help establish the  Salaat, and set up the Just Economic Order of Zakat ; who obey Allah and/i.e. His Messenger [9:71, 24:56]

Those who believe in Allah and the Hereafter and spend in the cause of Allah [9:99]

Those who do deeds of righteousness [21:75, 21:86, 45:30]

But those  who err or deviate from the straight path or lose the right way [15:56] and those who deny, reject or fall short in abiding by Allah’s Messages and deny meeting with Him [29:23] shall remain despaired from His mercy.

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A Muslim who is striving to follow the Best Hadith, Al Qur'an and who is trying my hardest to be a good Muslim.
