
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Here is a good way to research Al Qur'an good links that can be very resourceful

Here is a good way to research Al Qur'an good links that can be very resourceful

"The Messenger will say: My Lord, Truly, My People 'Ittakhadu' (took) 'Hadha' (this) 'Qur'ana' (Qur'an) 'Mahjuran' (as a Foraken thing)" Surah 25:30

"Why do they not study the Qur’aan carefully? Are their minds blocked?" Surah 47:24

This is a brief resource to help us in our journey of studying Allah's Book. The links below have links to different translations of Qur'an, to Qur'an word for word, to Arabic roots, dictionaries, index, Qur'an search, concordance and Arabic Keyboard...etc. Insha Allah I will add more as I go along still work in progress. If you find anything that should be added please post it here and let me know I'll add it to the list. I hope this resource is of benefit for us all to use as a AID/TOOL. 

Allah says the following, He clearly refers to the believers when he speaks of those who have knowledge:

"Allah bears witness that there is no god but Him, so do the angels and those with knowledge upholding justice. There is no god but Him, the Almighty, All-Wise." (Qur'an 3:18)

And not to 'ulamas' or 'sheikhs', just as is the same in the following verse:

"Allah will raise in ranks those of you who believe and those who have been given knowledge. Allah is aware of what you do." (Qur'an 58:11)

Hence, the Quran itself says those who GRASP its meaning best are those who are SINCERE. It is not about who has the most knowledge of CLASSICAL ARABIC or who is the most qualified linguistics professor. These are simply AIDS/TOOLS but are no match for a sincere and diligent HEART/MIND

Al-Baqara [2:44] "Do ye enjoin right conduct on the people and forget (to practise it) yourselves and yet ye study the Scripture? Will ye not understand?"

Al-Baqara [2:121] "Those to whom We have sent the Book! study it as it should be studied; they are the ones that believe therein; those who reject faith therein the loss is their own."If any one would like to help add to this please let me know just give me the link and I'll add the information so that others may have access.  

Complete indexing of Quran Topics from A to Z.

A good reference for different translations of Qur'an

Table ofContents | Words: Alphabetical - Frequency - Inverse - Length - Statistics 

Another good source of Qur'an translations

Search the Qur'an

Another good Qur'an search

Search in up to 30 different languages!

Dictionary of the Qur'an

Qur'an - Word by Word 

Qur'an - Word by Word

Word by word Quran reciter/teacher program

Quran Dictionary 

Project Root List

Browse Qur'an (search transliteration, 13 English, 2 French translations)

Root Words



Edward William Lane Arabic-English Lexicon London: Williams & Norgate

Arabic keyboard

Dictionaries - Dictionaries (Arabic) to English included

Edward William Lane's Arabic-English Lexicon (Dictionary)

The FreeDictionary

Han's Wehr: A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic

The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an (PDF)

Research Library » English Library » Qur'an Research: Translations, Tafsir & Arabic


  1. You can join our online Quran Classes to know more about it and memorize the Quran.
